Today Jesus gives us some comforting words about the love God the Father has for his children. “Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find,” is a beautiful promise I can cling to when I’m worried, anxious, or feeling lost. Loving parents give their children what is good, healthy, and appropriate for them. Jesus reassures us that our Father in heaven will always provide for us too. God shows his love for us in many different ways, but especially through the Holy Spirit who sets our hearts on fire with love for God and for those in need.

What is one simple thing I can ask the Lord today? Do I trust that God will show me what to do? How do I see his generous, loving heart revealed in other people? How have I reflected God’s love to others lately? Am I hospitable, welcoming, generous, and forgiving?

Maggie Melchior is a convert to the Catholic faith. She currently serves as Coordinator of New Evangelization and Faith Formation for a parish in the Diocese of Green Bay.