This Easter day we look back and look forward. What has happened in our hearts and souls this Lent 2014? What have been my struggles? Where is the growth and grace? How have I looked Jesus in the eyes these past 40 days? And just how has Jesus stretched my heart as together the two of us have walked the way of the cross?

Easter hope and joy actually pull us out of our own small worlds into relationship with one another, into companionship with families and friends, co-workers and even total strangers, all those who call forth our best gifts shared in the service of all.

Easter invites us to recognize the hand of God connecting the dots, filling in the spaces between faith and daily living. The graces of Easter come alive when we mend a quarrel with someone we care about, roll up our sleeves for some worthy project, quietly listen when someone we know and love and perhaps even find difficult needs to talk or cry or vent.

Easter is all about sharing the life, the hope, the joy, the energy of Jesus…all in service to one another and to our waiting world. As Jesus invites: “Do this in memory of me!”

—The Jesuit prayer team