Each of us is appointed and sent forth.  As Christians we are chosen to be children of God. We are invited to embrace our faith, and through our deeds and actions we are called to live out the Gospel in our daily lives just as the Apostles did.  Jesus appoints us as ambassadors. Whether great or small, our words and deeds can make a difference in the lives of others. We must consciously look for ways to integrate our faith into action. As we ponder this, we may also note that today is the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.  As ambassadors of the faith we are called to protect life, all life, from conception to natural death: those who are fragile, those who are sick, those who are innocent and helpless, and those who have no advocates.  How can I act as an ambassador of Christ and find ways to treat them with dignity, respect, and mercy?

— Leigh M. Hartley works in higher education administration at the University of Chicago. Over the past 15 years she has volunteered with the Jesuits, initially with Charis Ministries and in more recent years through planning and organizing pilgrimages with Fr. Michael Sparough, SJ.