What would our world be like if each of us could follow Jesus’ instruction to Mary Magdalen in today’s gospel?
What would really happen if we could live by Jesus’ words: “Do not be afraid!

Our daily news digest is filled with the realities of fear and conflict, alienation and mistrust. Neighborhoods and nations live amidst a daily diet of anxiety and violence. Yet into each of these situations Jesus comes with these life-saving words: “Peace be with you–do not be afraid!” Before the freshness of Easter 2016 begins to fade amidst the press of our daily routine, can I commit myself to be an ambassador of peace?  Can I find practical strategies to bring words of hope into the mess of a family quarrel or neighborhood unrest? Help me take confidence in the psalm verse we read today: “You will show me the path of life, fullness of you in your presence.”

—The Jesuit prayer team