Evangelization can be a tricky and sometimes loaded topic, but Jesus is pretty clear about it in today’s Gospel. I often find myself asking how do I best show my Christian values in the world and yet be sensitive to the needs of others who are also seeking God in their own ways. How does my work, social, or home life reflect my faith in Jesus? It’s a constant question.

One helpful way I’ve found to achieve this is finding work, volunteerism, or space within my vocation to be truly at the service of others. I am called, then, to forget my own selfish motivations and just be present to whomever I can serve. Even in seemingly non-service oriented moments or occupations, I have to ask, what greater good am I serving here? It might simply be to perform my role with as much grace, forgiveness, and kindness as possible.

—Emily Schumacher-Novak lives in Milwaukee, WI, and works in Jesuit Higher Education and Ignatian Spirituality.