A number of years ago Fr. Gildo Dominici was working with Jesuit Refugee Service in Galang, Indonesia. His reflection reminds us of the call to know the Risen Christ in refugees and those who work with and for them:

“Working in a refugee camp is often hard and physically tiring. . . But it is also a wonderful human and spiritual experience. I am rediscovering humanity here in Galang. Greed and selfishness exist but the positive aspects of human nature are in much greater evidence. Here human solidarity is a reality and not just nice words.

“And here I find God. The refugees are my greatest benefactors because they reveal Christ and give him to me. They help me make the Gospel flesh of my flesh. They give me the opportunity to spend my health, my time and all my energies for Christ in them. I am the happiest of men to be here.”

—Christian Fuchs serves as Communications Director for Jesuit Refugee Service/USA.