We asked The Jesuit Post contributors to share what Easter joy looks like for them. Here is what they said:

Eric Immel: In my brokenness, I remain loved. The joy of Easter reminds me to proclaim that love to all.


Juan Ruiz: MRW Jesus comes back in the Vigil:

Level Up


Garrett Gundlach (AKA Eagle Scout, SJ): Why Easter? Easy. It’s got it all. A vernal equinox, a full moon, AND a resurrection.

Moonrise Kingdom Scout


Jason Downer: What brings me joy this Easter? Getting to break out my Last Supper chocolate mold.

Last Supper Chocolate Mold


Damian Torres-Botello: A Wendy’s Frosty with grandma and grandpa always made my childhood feel like an Everyday Easter. Now that’s Joy!!

Dan Dixon: Nothing says Easter joy like the Kermit the Frog arm flail, especially with the Muppets coming back to ABC!


Michael Rossmann: This is what I feel like – and what I dance to – on Easter morning. Admittedly, not only on Easter morning…


Danny Gustafson: Punny jokes bring me Easter and March Madness joy! Q: What do Easter Bunny helpers get for making a basket? A: Two points, just like anyone else.

Brendan Busse: What gives me joy?  This Jesuit life! Passing the Triduum here at Alcalá with our retired Spanish SJs. This is a pic of me and a fellow theology student from Portugal in front of the first university Ignacio dropped out of–U of Alcalá. Hopefully we’ll have better luck in Madrid.
Brendan Alcalá


Joe Simmons: “Who sings prays twice.” – St. Augustine. Vivaldi’s Gloria in D Major lifts the soul and brings a smile to my face on Easter!


Vinny Marchionni joy = pastel clothes, Cadbury cream eggs, and :


Brian Strassburger: Easter joy is like a double complete rainbow all the way across the sky!


Chris Boitano: After almost 3 years of silence, many have dismissed Carly Rae Jepsen as a “one-hit-wonder,” but this spring she is back from the dead with a new song. Thanks to my obsession with pop music, I found the resurrected Jesus in a 29-year-old Canadian.

What about you? Please share what looks like Easter joy for you in the comments below.

Cover image by *vlad* Flickr Creative Commons