Today’s Gospel reading implores us to not build larger homes, barns, or silos to store our things. Rather, Jesus urges us to store our treasures in heaven. That which is of most value to us cannot be some earthly matter. It is necessarily found in heaven and must therefore be stored in heaven, too. If we continue building storage for our things on earth, then our hearts will remain focused on false idols.

In reflecting on this Gospel, I am drawn to the question of where my heart currently is. I know that I often forget to store up my own treasures in heaven. In reflecting on where I feel my heart now, I recognize the work that lies ahead in detaching from earthly things and moving my treasure (and thus my heart) toward heaven. It is the work of a lifetime.

Liliana Mamani Condori is a Peruvian lawyer pursuing a master’s degree in theological studies at Boston College. Sam Hay is finishing his MA in Theology and Ministry at B.C., and currently works for its School of Education.