One morning I read an article, from our local newspaper, that surfaced many different emotions in the readers. A number of people expressed strong feelings after reading the article. I was very surprised to read the many insensitive comments. I couldn’t help but wonder why it is so easy for people to write hurtful words. Why are we so quick to react out of anger without reflecting and finding empathy in others? Is it easier to react angrily to strangers because we fail to see God in them?

Before I post a comment, I will think about St. Ignatius’s words: “Do nothing and write nothing that may be the occasion of any bitterness or harsh words.” It is not okay just because we are strangers in our world to be hurtful through our words, thereby forgetting about God in one another. “Whoever is angry with his brother (or sister) will be liable to judgment.”

—Cecilia Hernandez works in the Vocations Office for the Midwest Jesuits.