“I recall your sincere faith.” Today we celebrate two great saints of the early church, Timothy and Titus. These two men witnessed to their faith and helped to build the early church. By their preaching and their example they brought others to faith in Christ. They carried on the work that Paul had begun.

So what am I doing to proclaim the Gospel? What can I do to bring others to faith in Christ? I am certainly not like Paul or Timothy or Titus and cannot go around preaching and establishing churches. But I testify to my faith by the way I treat others. By being respectful, honest and sincere, kind and merciful, I can let others know who Jesus is. My actions become the words of my message. If my actions do not reflect the life of Christ, then my faith lacks depth and my message is lost.

How will you proclaim Christ today?

—Margaret Horner earned a Master of Pastoral Studies degree from St. Francis de Sales Seminary in Milwaukee. She currently serves as the Director of Liturgy at Gesu Parish, Milwaukee, WI.