During the season of Lent, we often reflect upon fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. However, today’s Gospel invites us to also seek out reconciliation. We live in a world that is often over-stimulating with stressors on our time, finances, emotions, and physical well-being. However, in the midst of the chaos our focus must shift to what is most important — our relationship with the Lord and our relationships with others.

We are invited to seek out right relationships with others.  We are invited to find forgiveness and healing even when it is challenging and difficult.  We are invited to find peace within, and to be peacemakers. We are invited to cleanse away our sins, make room in our hearts for reconciliation, and move forward preparing our minds, bodies, and souls to celebrate Easter and the Risen Lord. How can I seek out reconciliation and extend offerings of peace this Lenten season?

—Leigh M. Hartley works in higher education administration at the University of Chicago. Over the past 15 years she has volunteered with the Jesuits, initially with Charis Ministries more recently years through planning and organizing pilgrimages with Fr. Michael Sparough, S.J.