The good shepherd calls to his sheep by name. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, reflects on how we learn to recognize the voice of the shepherd in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, May 03, 2020.

Shepherds, sheep, and gates, oh my! Shepherds, sheep, and gates, oh my!

Hello! I’m Damian Torres-Botello and this is my One-Minute Reflection.

When we pray, we learn how God speaks personally to us. We get to know the call of the good shepherd leading us day in and day out. The more we pray the better we’re able to recognize the Lord’s voice versus the noise that appeals to us. Like, media ads, political parties, social media, societal expectations.

It’s easy for us to be enticed to another flock, to follow another shepherd, or to be stolen, slaughtered, and destroyed.

Today’s Gospel proclaims that the caring and watchful shepherd sleeps at the entrance of the sheep’s pen as if he were a gate. And when leading the sheep out, the shepherd calls each by name. And they follow. Because the voice they hear is familiar.

Jesus illustrates for us a picture of freedom and security, wanting nothing, a life filled with love, goodness, and mercy.

What Jesus ultimately reveals is the face of God in the form of a shepherd leading his flock.