In today’s Gospel, someone inquires about salvation.  At various time throughout our lives we may find ourselves also wondering about our own salvation or whether we will get to heaven. Like many people I take a casual look at my life and think, I pray, I go to church, I don’t hurt anyone, I do a few acts of charity. I should make it into heaven, I should be saved.

Jesus says, “strive to enter through the narrow gate.”  What that means for me is that to be a disciple takes more than a few good deeds.  Being a disciple means more than not hurting others but going out of my way to be kind, to be generous, to be patient. Being a disciple is more than just going to church but being the presence of Christ in the world.

At the end of the day I need to ask, did I act with kindness, generosity, patience, love?

—Margaret Horner earned a Master of Pastoral Studies degree from St. Francis de Sales Seminary. She currently serves as the Director of Liturgy at Gesu Parish, Milwaukee, WI.