The story of Peter’s liberation from prison is such a great story to pray with.  I enter into it with my imagination and sit next to Peter and feel the weight of the chains on my wrists and this quickly invites me to ask, “What is binding me this day?  What is keeping me imprisoned and unfree?” Then I imagine hearing the voice of the angel and seeing the light. This reminds me that I cannot free myself. I can only be open to the variety of ways the Lord may be reaching out to me, guiding me to healing. The scripture also reminds me that healing is a journey. The angel took Peter past one guard, then another. The gate leading out of the city opened and they made their way down an alley . . .

Today I invite you to consider, What has you bound or imprisoned, keeping you from being who God created you to be? Maybe an addiction, an attitude, expectations, fear, guilt or shame? What are the guards that are in the way on your journey to healing? And, maybe most importantly, can you pray for and notice God’s help on the journey?

—Amy Hoover, spiritual director and a frequent spiritual writer, is Director of the Creighton University Retreat Center, located in Griswold, IA.