There is a famous Caravaggio painting in a Roman church that depicts the call of Levi which we read about in today’s gospel. The painting is an incredible study in light and darkness. Bright light through a window behind Jesus shines directly on Levi’s face. This same light catches Jesus’ outstretched hand as he interrupts the counting of money and gestures towards Levi. You can almost hear Levi’s response—“What? You want me?”

This encounter, frozen in time and space, echoes one of those moments described in today’s passage from Hebrews when God’s word is described as “living and effective, dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow…it judges the reflections and thoughts of the heart.”

It is good these early days of 2015 to pay attention to God’s movements within our own hearts. Perhaps Jesus isn’t as direct with us as with Matthew. Yet gently and surely Jesus invites each person to walk with him more closely. Jesus invites me to understand anew just how he is truly my way, my truth, my life…here and now, this week, this month. And then… how do I respond?

—The Jesuit Prayer Team