"Silence Is Spoken Here," by Kris at Flickr

“Silence Is Spoken Here,” by Kris at Flickr

For better or for worse, I don’t often find myself speechless. And, when I do, I normally chalk it up under the “Failure” category, especially when learning a new language! This time was no different. French got the best of me, even with the expert guidance of the fine language software Rosetta Stone: I went to prayer to swallow the day, to ‘talk it out,’ and I stood speechless. How do I say that? What’s that word? What about its pronunciation? What gender is that noun? Fail.

But maybe this wasn’t so bad. Maybe, in fact, this was awesome. Maybe this was a step forward, not back! Knowing your own life and your own tendencies, when might less be more? Have you had an experience of depth and spirit that stunned you with its simplicity?

Join me in the discussion – when is less more?