Today’s gospel might well have been written for us living in 2016. The daily media bombard us with the latest fashions and fads, hot restaurants and spas, places to visit and people to meet. In today’s passage from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus invites us to a simpler view about all the “things” in our lives. He invites us into relationshipto come and see what his values are all about; to strengthen our faith through a deeper relationship with him. Jesus opens the door wide to a life of trust and hope.

How would my life be different if I took seriously this invitation to live the values Jesus holds dear?  What would it mean for me to live more simply, handing over my time and talents to the Lord through my service of others…especially those most in need?  How does Jesus want to open the door of my heart this summer of 2016?

—The Jesuit Prayer Team