In breaking news (and also breaking our maxim to “not publish new stories on the Sabbath”), Cardinal Dolan and Stephen Colbert got together at Fordham University to tell jokes… or, really, to talk about faith and joy. A couple of us here at TJP got to feel like media professionals for the first time – you can see the results in Sam Sawyer’s A Cardinal and a Comedian Walk Into a Gym. This was especially special for us because the event, hosted by Fr. James Martin, was blacked out to the media. Once that embargo broke, though, the NYTimes and AP both had run-downs of some of the evening’s best jokes. Sam’s got something better: what the event was really about.

As we batten down the hatches on the servers for a possible Colbert Bump (c’mon, we can dream…), here’s our Week in Review at TJP.

We’re always glad to have you with us at TJP. Just like #Dolbert, that’s no joke.