Considering the existence of angels may not be at the top of most people’s to-do lists, but maybe it should be. These angels just might have something to teach us.

What are angels? They are beings whose whole existence is dedicated to doing God’s will. Michael exists to manifest God’s justice, Raphael to deliver God’s healing mercy, and Gabriel to transmit God’s word. Each archangel is tasked with carrying out just one of God’s attributes.

We humans, though, are made in the image of God. Thus, we are created to embody all of God’s attributes. We are called to live just lives, to be vehicles of God’s mercy, and to always have God’s word on our lips.

Ultimately, angels tell us a lot about who we are meant to be.

In prayer let us be inspired by each of these angels and consider how well we embody their examples.

—Stephen Kramer, SJ, is a scholastic of the USA Central and Southern Province, currently in theology studies at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.