Once again, today’s Advent readings present images which cause my imagination and memory to immediately spring into action. Isaiah tells us that “they who hope in the Lord… will soar on eagles’ wings; they will run and not grow weary.” This summer I was in Canada, camping for a week. We just happened to camp near an eagle’s nest. It was a real treat to see these large, powerful and regal birds soar into flight, catch fish and gently land in their nest. What a treat! I am also a casual jogger, so Isaiah’s image of running and not growing weary is amazing.

Hope in the Lord and all things are possible, even that God actually chooses to share in our humanity! Let us prepare for his coming.

In Matthew’s gospel Jesus promises all of us who labor and are burdened that he will give us rest–if we but come to him. We are called to learn from Jesus, for he is meek and humble of heart. His yoke is easy and his burden light. I place before Jesus the labors and burdens in my own life right now. I listen intently as he says these words directly to me; they give me great comfort. They are not simply words, however: God backs them up with action by becoming human in the person of Jesus, by walking with me in all my labors and burdens. Let us prepare for God becoming human!

—David McNulty is the Provincial Assistant for Advancement, Chicago-Detroit Province Jesuits