With his every deed he offered thanks
to God Most High, in words of praise.
With his whole being he loved his Maker
and daily had his praises sung.

Ignatian Spirituality encourages us to see God in all things, and through our words, deeds, and actions to live Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (for the greater glory of God).  In this reading we see David embracing this very motto long before St. Ignatius founded the Jesuits. We find ourselves living in a secular world, but spirituality and faith are deep within the core of our beings. If we are true to our authentic selves, we cannot separate the secular from the spiritual.

How do we balance living out this spirituality and faith in a world that is politically correct, in a world that tries to remove references of God and prayer, and in a world that finds religion divisive? If we close our eyes and imagine loving God with our whole beings as David did, what does this look like? How can we peacefully surrender to God while being his advocate in this world, and while being a soldier of Christ?

—Leigh M. Hartley works in higher education administration at the University of Chicago. Over the past 15 years she has volunteered with the Jesuits, initially with Charis Ministries more recently years through planning and organizing pilgrimages with Fr. Michael Sparough, S.J.