Today’s gospel continues lines from Jesus’ words to his apostles (and to us) at the Last Supper. 
Can we take time to read Jesus’ words slowly…to let them sink deep into our souls?

Jesus tells us that anyone “who has faith in me will do the works I do.” Do I actually believe that I can speak Jesus’ words and adopt his outlook among those I live with, those I will meet today, even those I have a hard time with? Going further, do I really believe that Jesus will accomplish in my own life “anything that I ask” in his name?

Take some leisure time this weekend to ponder just what Easter gifts Jesus is trying to percolate in your heart. What are the Lord’s deepest desires for me (and for my family / for those I live with) these weeks of Easter? What may I be afraid to ask for?

In what small ways can I open my hands and heart to receive the love and life the Risen Jesus desires to share…with me? …with our family? …with those I meet this weekend?

—the Jesuit prayer team