It is quite possible, as we near the end of the Easter season, that the Scriptures of these days blend one into the other. Today’s gospel passage offers us a flashing “green light” with Jesus’ personal invitation to “ask and you will receive…that your joy may be full.”  What a consoling invitation. No matter how difficult the challenge or painful the decision, Jesus does not leave us alone. He promises to stand with us and our families no matter what.

Can I really believe that Jesus means what he says? Can I accept Jesus’ presence and action in my life, especially in those moments when a relationship is frayed, a family situation seems impossible, my own life seems a difficult mess? Pope Francis invites us to beg Jesus for mercy and perspective. The Holy Father suggests us that we ask Jesus to come into whatever “mess” is before us. Can I open my hands and heart to the Risen Lord today, ready to receive the mercy and new life that Jesus offers?

—The Jesuit prayer team