I love the images in today’s readings. Isaiah pictures the Lord serving His people a feast of rich food and choice wine. How appropriate is this image as we recall our recent celebration of Thanksgiving with family and friends. Indeed, this is our God, let us rejoice and be glad! And let us not forget that we are called to share every gift God gives us with the poor and the hungry.

In Matthew we hear of mutes speaking, the deformed being made whole, the lame walking and the blind seeing–all glorifying God. I can imagine being there and asking myself, who is this person Jesus, doing these amazing things? I may not be certain of the answer to this question, but I certainly want to stick around and see what else he might do!

The last image is of a Jesus whose heart is filled with pity, for he fears people will collapse on their way home if he sends them away hungry. I can imagine being in that crowd, seeing the love and concern in Jesus’ eyes as he looks directly at me. He will always walk with me, of this I am certain. In this season of Advent, we recall that Jesus becomes human so we may know God and his unconditional love for us. Jesus calls us to complete his work in the world today.

—David McNulty is the Provincial Assistant for Advancement, Chicago-Detroit Province Jesuits