Isn’t good news fantastic? It’s a boy! She said yes! I got in! We have a pope! I got the job! Whether it’s your news or someone else’s, the thrill is infectious. There’s an urge to give it away, and the joy continues to spread. It’s gorgeous.

Imagine then, how awesome (and terrifying!) it must’ve been to see Jesus’ tomb empty. Can you even picture the scene, let alone grasp the idea of an angel telling you that He is risen and you’re about to see Him? How could they even take it! But they go “fearful yet overjoyed.”

Years ago, I was struck by a painting in the Musée d’Orsay, depicting Peter and John running to the tomb on Easter morning, by Eugène Burnand. The energy’s arresting. They look terrified and filled with hope, while the soft colors of morning around them adds incredible warmth and consolation.

When has God shocked you by His presence? Was anyone with you or on your mind? Bring that moment to prayer today. Thank God for it, and ask Him to show you how to spread His joy. Hallelujah!

—Kristin Dillon is a lay minister who has worked with Charis Ministries and Holy Name Cathedral. She lives in Chicago with her husband and son.