The hectic pace of our daily living pushes the calendar forward. How quickly we come to the end of Easter week…and perhaps personal and family, parish and community celebrations get lost in the blur of time. This Saturday of Easter week offers the chance to look back to our experiences of Holy Week and Easter: what stands out for me? Which persons, which conversations, what events marked Easter 2014 as key moments of life and grace for me?

Today’s gospel brings us to familiar words of Jesus: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to all creation.” Well, if not to the whole world, then at least to some corner

of the world I know — mending a relationship, engaging a long-delayed conversation, offering Jesus’ Easter words of peacefulness and hope.

Ours is a missionary Church, sparked by the challenge of the gospel. Each of us engages that corner of the world where we live. Jesus’ words are clear: first, we have to “go out.” Then we are invited to “proclaim.” Figuring out the “how” and “when” and “what” in each situation draws on our best God-given talents and gifts. Go for it!

—The Jesuit Prayer Team