We are given a great description of discipleship today: hear, follow, and see. John’s disciples heard about Jesus and began following him. While they were with Jesus they saw. This path to discipleship was similar for the Magi. They heard about Jesus through their research and scholarship, they followed the star to Jesus, and saw.

What do you hear when God speaks to you through prayer, scriptures, the sacraments, friends, or unexpected encounters or events? Like the disciples and Magi, do we allow our lives to be transformed when we hear about and encounter Jesus?

Does the invitation to follow Jesus continually re-invigorate and renew our lives? Are we willing to give up everything – including things, hurts or regrets, pride, and self-direction – to follow Jesus? How do we respond to Jesus when following him leads us off our expected or desired plan for the day or for our lives?

What do we see when we spend time with Jesus? Do you see a great teacher who heals and comforts the poor and sick? Do you see a newborn king asking for your dedication and commitment to bring about the Kingdom of God by loving everyone you encounter?

The disciples and Magi show me that I can only see God working in the world after I listen to and follow Jesus. Do I recognize and accept this truth?

—Brother John Moriconi, S.J., a noted mandolinist, is provincial’s Chicago-Detroit Jesuit Province.