Though the Church is in the midst of the celebration of Easter, today’s Gospel takes us back before the passion. Jesus tells his disciples that he is going to the Father and will no longer be with them—their relationship with Jesus will change after the passion and resurrection. Jesus says, “But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go” so that the Spirit may come. In the light of the resurrection we see the truth in Jesus’ words but, for the disciples who first heard them, trust was likely mixed with anxiety.

Moving from the known to the new is seldom easy. The disciples wanted Jesus to stay as he was; yet Jesus embraced his vocation into new life in the resurrection. His relationship with his disciples was made new. May we embrace Jesus’ ongoing calls into newness of life… even into the unknown

—Matthew Dunch, S.J. is a Jesuit scholastic studying theology in preparation for ordination, at Regis College in Toronto. He previously taught at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH.