In today’s Gospel, Jesus doesn’t just ask us to love another.  He commands it.  Even in the most ordinary of times, it can be difficult sometimes to love even those closest to us – even to love and forgive ourselves can be challenging.  

Yet in extraordinary times, people consistently step forward and love unconditionally.  Fred Rogers recalls his mother asking him during tragedies to “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

It may be a soldier in battle protecting others, a doctor or nurse helping someone battle a deadly infectious disease, or a first responder saving the lives of others.  We are all fortunate that there are many who “lay down their life for a friend.” These heroes know that we are all connected and worthy.  Love will overcome.

Who inspires you to love one another?  How can you love others more?  Who is most in need of your love?

Tom Cattapan is the Associate Director of the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington, IL and a graduate of Marquette University