Recently I have noticed that my own insecurities get in the way of seeing others around me as co-heirs and members of the same Body of Christ. I respond often with defensiveness or frustration because of the shortcomings I perceive in others. And being quick to judge others’ shortcomings allows me to be prepared if my own shortcomings are pointed out.  

But in today’s reading, I am reminded by St. Paul how rewarding humility can be, as he declares himself the least worthy. It allows for his interaction that isn’t coming from a place of tense defensiveness, but of openness to seeing the greatness and expansiveness of the Body of Christ. We recognize that the constraints we put on one another do not deepen the graces of the Holy Spirit but often limit our understanding of those gifts.

Spend a moment today to see the gifts of those whose shortcomings  you may usually recognize.

—Griffin Knipp serves as Campus Minister and Coordinator of Student Life at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Milwaukee WI.