Today we read the conclusion to the well-known story of David and Bathsheba’s adultery. As outside observers, we see David’s guilt right away, and it’s easy for us to frown at his hypocritical reaction to the prophet Nathan’s parable. But sin often blinds us to the realities of our own guilt and shortcomings, and David’s actions are no exception. Finally, when Nathan helps David understand the horror of what he has done, David confesses his sin and receives forgiveness.

Am I like David sometimes? Is it hard to see my own flaws and take responsibility for my own sins, while I’m quick to point out where others have fallen? Who are the prophets in my life? Who is like Nathan for me, offering counsel when I am off track? Let us ask the Lord to create new hearts in us: contrite hearts that humbly ask forgiveness; sincere hearts that freely forgive others.

Maggie Melchior is a convert to the Catholic faith. She currently serves as Coordinator of New Evangelization and Faith Formation for a parish in the Diocese of Green Bay.