We all have pieces of our lives that feel, at times, like bondage. Maybe it is not the bondage of being crippled as the woman in the Gospel was, but perhaps something that we have battled or struggled with for a long time–a broken relationship, an addiction, a deep wound, a financial crisis, or an illness.

Imagine Jesus calling to you and immediately setting you free from your “infirmity.” Imagine the freedom you would feel to be completely and instantaneously released from the bondage in your life. Imagine yourself in front of Jesus glorifying him and thanking him for the gifts of healing and freedom. Would it matter to you if your healing took place on the Sabbath or would your desperation to be healed override any law?

Talk to Jesus, today, about the healing you need in your own life.

—Becky Eldredge is a spiritual director, writer, retreat facilitator and mom of three.