I received a great piece of advice from my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Oliver, on the day of my high school graduation in 2017. “Michael, when something isn’t working right, look at yourself first.” By this, I think she was insinuating this idea of “don’t be lazy.” It is spectacularly easy to blame and judge others when circumstances go awry. It is much less strenuous to say, “they should have done this instead,” or, “if they had only…”  

         It is not as easy to shepherd people in our close-knit circle. Fear of ridicule and conflict can often prevent me from speaking up when the deepest part of my heart knows that I should. Jesus calls me in today’s Gospel to give particular attention to the needs of my own community, which includes myself. When the world needs mercy and love, change myself, my actions, and those near to me first, before criticizing others. 

—Michael Petterson is a senior at the University of Michigan and is an active member of St. Mary Student Parish in Ann Arbor, MI.