The expression “take a leap of faith” is a common one. And yet, the journey that we make begins less with a leap and more often with the courage to take a single step. Today’s Gospel reading tells us that “Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee”. From there he went up the mountain where the vast crowds followed him with their many demands for healing, for wholeness and for new life. They were not disappointed. With a heart moved to pity, Jesus fulfilled all of their needs both physically and spiritually.

Like St. Francis Xavier, the great Jesuit missionary, each step we take for Christ are steps of healing and wholeness-for ourselves and for others as we bring Christ to the world. As you prayerfully reflect today, what is the one step that you need the courage to take in your journey to be closer to Christ?

—Julianne Stanz is a speaker, writer and mother of two, originally from Ireland, and Director of the New Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay.