Philip preaches outside of Judea as the Church begins its missionary outreach to the world. Through Philip, the Risen Lord in and through the Church continues to accomplish what Jesus of Nazareth did in his earthly life. He performed signs: unclean spirits are driven out, paralyzed and crippled people are cured. Through Peter and John, the Risen Lord in and through the Church continues to send the Holy Spirit.

Pope Francis described the Church as a field hospital for the broken and the hurting of the world. Those who are crippled or paralyzed in body, mind, or spirit must be welcomed to the Church to experience healing and the gift of God’s Spirit.

How welcoming am I to those in need of the field hospital? Where am I paralyzed or crippled and in need of healing? How does the Holy Spirit move me to reach out to those in need?

—Fr. Robert Flack, S.J. is a retreat director at Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House, Barrington IL.