Jesus’ comments about greed and possessions in today’s gospel make me think of two phrases: “You can’t take it with you;” and “Wealth is a wicked master, but a wonderful servant.”

In the Principle and Foundation, St. Ignatius advises us to keep all things properly ordered. “All things in this world are gifts of God, given to us that we may know God. If any of these gifts become the center of our lives, they displace God and so hinder our growth in knowing and loving God…I want and I choose what better leads to the deepening of God’s life in me and others.”

I ask myself, what constitutes wealth in my life? Is it money, good reputation, learning, maybe health? Is that wealth a servant or a master for me? Do I hoard it greedily or do I share it generously?  How might I change my relationship with it such that it truly leads to an ever deepening of God’s life in me and others.

—David McNulty works for the Midwest Jesuits. Dave and his wife Judy are grandparents of six.