I am the mother of two sons and, as in the gospel today, I can ask each one of them the same question and get two different answers.  It is not unusual that one will say “Yes” and not do as he is asked, and the other will say “No, I don’t want to!” After letting them hear what the consequences of their actions will be, they will usually give in to the request and complete the task they were asked to do. I’m happy when they have done as I asked, but frustrated that it took so much convincing from me to get it accomplished.

Is this how God feels when he asks something of me? Is this how I reply to his request to “go out and work in the vineyard today”? How much easier would it be to be still and listen for his word? For the daughter to do his will out of love for the Father?

When God asks us to “go out and work in the vineyard today,” let my ears and heart be open. Let my “yes” be as Mary’s was, knowing that whatever God asks of me offers a path that leads to him.

—Pam Pipas, RN serves as Health Care Coordinator for the Jesuits of the Akron, Cleveland, Detroit, and Toledo region.